Australia in 2024 is no longer the Lucky Country. When Donald Horne suggested in the early 1960s, that Australia is a “… lucky country, run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck…”, could he foresee the damage these people, usually as politicians and bureaucrats, would inflict on this country?
60 years on, many of us would be thankful to have the second-rate people of 1960 back in charge. Today’s crop of third-rate politicians and bureaucrats elevate the likes of Robert Menzies, John McEwen, and Arthur Calwell to the status of Grand Statesmen.
This is why I want to invest more time into researching and exposing the incompetence of state and federal governments, our bungling bureaucracies, our activist judiciary, as well as our politicised police and defence forces. Issues I will raise on this site will be centred on four topics:
Governance by appeasement
Governance without transparency
Governance with no accountability
Governance incompetence
If we all do our part to mobilise the silent majority, perhaps Australia will reclaim its title as The Lucky Country. I encourage you to contribute by sharing the content of this website, and by sending me your own experience and insider views.
Bye for now,
Colin WP Seabrook
Nicely put, now we just need more good people to get involved.