Letter to Dunkley By-Election Voters

Hello to the folk in the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Dunkley.

I see this by-election as a test for Federal and State Labor governments. The following are both Federal and State Government issues, I hope the information contained below will guide your thoughts on who to vote for. I myself are not standing or representing any other candidate.

I am particularly concerned about the activities of the Liberal and Labor parties. Below are some examples that I believe need to be discussed in the public arena, with your families’ friends and neighbours.

Violence on our streets, home invasions, car thefts on an unprecedented scale. You all may not be aware there are families that are unable to return to their homes and drive their cars as the trauma inflicted by persons who have committed these violent crimes is so great. You all must take a stand as the State Labor government is proposing to relax the bail laws on the 25/03/2024 in favor of the perpetrators. I advocate one breach of bail only allowed (not multiple) and all multiple offences that involve violence once proven the prison sentences be served consecutively.

The State Labor government taxes, levies, stamp duties, the list is endless and is reflected in the number of people and businesses leaving this state, the above will be affecting you, the voter.

The last intake of immigration recently reveals no reported trades men and women amongst them, in a time where we are in desperate need of all trades people. Demand transparency of the new arrivals as you, the taxpayer are going to have to fund them. I am in agreement for immigration as the reality is us Australians are now not replacing ourselves.

The recent changes to industrial workplace laws have revealed that a person who has MINIMAL training overseas in say the aged care sector will be paid the same amount as a person with 25 years’ experience here in Australia IF DOING THE SAME JOB. This Federal Labor Stunt was primarily directed at the mining industry. The burden of paying the increased fees for someone to look after your loved one/s in these facilities may very well become out of reach for many families.

The gender reassignment of our very young children is now intrenched in many schools. I understand the issue for some parents and their children is very real; My concerns include the ages of the children not long out of nappies, that undeveloped minds are exposed to reported lifelong medical complications and widely reported that some parents are not being informed of what others are making decisions about their children.

Writes Rebecca Urban on 23 May 2016 in The Australian:

“Roz Ward, the hardline Marxist behind the contentious Safe Schools program, has been appointed to a high-level committee advising the Victorian government on education issues. With the taxpayer-funded sexual and gender diversity program having become a hot election issue, after the Greens and Labor pledged to boost funding, the Andrews Labor government appears increasingly committed to pushing an LGBTI agenda in the schoolyard. “

An event occurred where persons made disparaging and denigrating comments toward Australia whilst leaving Melbourne airport to give support to our enemy on the battle fields overseas. I refer to Treason; section 80.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (cth) I refer to sub section (4) Both the Federal Liberal and Labor parties allowed the said persons to re-enter Australia. (I advocated that their passports should have been cancelled upon leaving) Now I understand the Labor parties position as the ideology of the mentioned persons from my direct observations and research identifies they principally all vote Labor; (To balance, around 55% of the Jewish peoples in Victoria also vote Labor) The Liberal parties position I simply cannot comprehend.

The education of all school children about the devastating consequences of sugar in their/our diets, make it a dedicated subject in all year levels of primary schooling to educate and expose the bad health outcomes of sugar consumption.

The mental health and well-being of all emergency peoples (Health workers, ambulance/paramedic personnel, police officers, fire men and women, the list is long) The consequences of both the Liberal and Labor parties bringing in people that have no regard for human life: Both political parties listed above know very well where they come from and indeed their voting patterns; One would hope the devastating at times lifelong health outcomes of the above mentioned human beings are NOT at the expense of a political parties endeavour to receive the perpetrators votes.

Some form of enquiry into why so many people are ill and requiring assistance from the NDIS and other associated entities, (PS I know what it is like to be very ill) it is very clear the program/s are not sustainable; Also, we have all seen the bags of gold bars being removed from houses in the west of Melbourne on our TV screens, it is my view this level of fraud could only be conducted from within the organization/s. In late 2018 early 2019? the then Prime Minister Morrison abandoned an investigation into the emerging evidence of fraud, a federal election was held on the 20th May 2019.

The squandering of billions of dollars of failed programs of both the Liberal and Labor parties in recent times; If not for the government receiving substantial funds/royalties from mining and other commodities we would be a ‘’basket case’’ Just imagine the nation building that could have taken place; I repeat take a stand people you have the power in the polling both to send a very clear message to the States and Canberra.

Biosecurity, we all see the faces of peoples attempting to bringing prohibited food and plant products into Australia and their responses when they are informed of in my view pathetic fines. What they are attempting to do could cost the Australian economy billions of dollars. May I suggest adding one zero to the existing fines and the offenders remain in a detention centre until such fine is paid. Please remember people the airline tickets/fares they paid to travel in my view are not relative to the existing fines with respect to the damage that could be caused to our economy.

Bye for now,

Colin WP Seabrook

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Welcome To All Australians

Australia in 2024 is no longer the Lucky Country. When Donald Horne suggested in the early 1960s, that Australia is a “… lucky country, run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck…”, could he foresee the damage these people, usually as politicians and bureaucrats, would inflict on this country?

60 years on, many of us would be thankful to have the second-rate people of 1960 back in charge. Today’s crop of third-rate politicians and bureaucrats elevate the likes of Robert Menzies, John McEwen, and Arthur Calwell to the status of Grand Statesmen.

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